Welcome to the webpage of the 1st CRISPINHO workshop, funded by the FQM292 group and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through CRISP grant [PTDC/FIS-AST-31546].


The workshop will be held at the Sala de Juntas of Carmen de la Victoria, in the morning, and at the G22 and G12 rooms of the Faculty of Science of Universidad de Granada in the afternoon.

We have arranged for a few rooms for CENTRA-ULisbon visitors at the Carmen de la Victoria (map/ webpage), right at the meeting location. Please, call them directly (+34 958 24 87 00) to make your reservations giving the reference number 641/19.

Social events

We are planning two events:

(1) A workshop dinner on Tuesday 28 20:00, at Casa Torcuato (webpage/ map).

(2) A night visit to the Alhambra on Friday 31 at 20:00.

Please, let us know if you are interested in attending to.

Participants (15)


The day will start at 9:30 with some talks on different CRISP topics, then there will be a coffee break, and more talks. We will have lunch at the Carmen de la Victoria, and walk to the University. In the afternoon we will have ample time to work in current projects.

Typical structure of the day:

09:30-11:15 Talks
11:15-11:45 Coffee
11:45-13:30 Talks
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:00 Walk to UGR
15:00-19:00 Work in groups



Talk 1 (30’): Introduction to CRISP - Ana/Santi

Talk 2 (30’): AMUSING survey update - Lluís

Talk 3 (30’): Review on SSP and STARLIGHT - Roberto CF

Talk 4 (30’): Prospector phot+spec fitting to recover Rv- Alessandro

Talk 5 (30’): INLA and 1.5D fitting - Santi

Tuesday 28: Projects

Talk 1 (20’): Finding stellar clusters with INLA - Pedro

Talk 2 (20’): SN imaging polarization with CAFOS - Antonia

Talk 3 (20’): Polarization of SN host galaxies with FORS2- Ana M.

Talk 4 (20’): NCR of SN environments in J-PLUS - Raúl

Wednesday 29: Projects

Talk 5 (20’): Developing AGN models with INLA - João

Talk 6 (20’): High-z simulations of IFS low-z galaxies - Ana A.

Talk 7 (20’): NaD lines in SN spectra and their environments - Claudia

Talk 8 (20’): SNOOPY LC parameters and PISCO environments - Nataliya

Thursday 30: Work in projects

Friday 31: Work in projects


Lluís Galbany: lgalbany(at)ugr(dot)es

Santiago Gónzález Gaitán: santiago.gonzalez(at)tecnico(dot)ulisboa(dot)pt