Characterization table

Link to the characterization table in github



List/info on other MUSE projects with similar science goals (need permission from PIs before posting here):

SV data: PI Galbany

One galaxy NGC6754 observed which contains 4 SNe. Data already used in Sanchez et al. (2015). Data also shown in Anderson et al. (2015), SN environment review paper. Also there are 5 other galaxies observed in SV which had SNe. The whole sample has been analysed and the results published as a pilot study for AMUSING in Galbany et al. (2016)

SN Iax hosts: PI Lyman

Band C time allocated in P96 to observe 17 SN Iax explosion sites. Main aims are to compare results of Iax explosion sites to their hosts and to the AMUSING Ia/CC samples. A few other SNe can be fit in the FOVs. For some nearby ones, the hosts are larger than FOV. Will update with details of what galaxies were actually observed during/after P96.

DDT for CSP14acu: PI Anderson

DDT proposal allocated 2hrs to a) obtain nebular spectroscopy of a very low-L host SNII, CSP14acu, and b) search for and characterise the host galaxy (which is probably very low Z): galaxy is ~-13Mr!!!