The AMUSING survey strategy

Make use of non-optimal weather at Paranal to obtain a large amount of time on MUSE to observe SN host galaxies.

All observing constraints are set to (almost) lowest constraint. This means: ANY seeing; THN conditions; BRIGHT Moon; and we have objects across full RA and dec range meaning that pointing restrictions can be overcome. In practice, many objects will be observed in <1.2” seeing, plus dark/grey time, CLR conditions etc.

The project plan is to be as open as possible.

Proposal science aim for overall survey

Constrain SN progenitors through observations of their host environments w.r.t. their global host properties. Refine the use of SN as probes of other processes in the Universe. Constrain galaxy evolution, SF processes, dynamics, study extragalactic stellar populations.

P95 - 095.D-0091(B)

MUSE observations of Type Ia supernova environments: constraining progenitor properties, and refining distance calibration techniques

P96 - 096.D-0296(A)

ASAS-SN supernova rates with respect to environment properties

P97 - 097.D-0408(A)

Constraining supernova progenitors through understanding the origin of narrow absorption features

P98 - 098.D-0115(A)

Reducing the scatter in the Near Infrared SN Ia Hubble diagram

P99 - 099.D-0022(A)

Host galaxy dependences in the Near Infrared SN Ia Hubble diagram

P100 - 100.D-0341(A)

Late-time nebular spectroscopy and environments of core-collapse supernovae

P101 - 101.D-0748(A/B)

Continuing the survey of nebular spectra and environments of core-collapse supernovae

P102 - 102.D-0095(A)

The local environments of type Ia supernovae

P103 - 103.D-0440(A/B)

Supernova and tidal disruption event rates as a function of environment age and metallicity

P104 - 104.D-0503(A/B

Star formation in low-mass galaxies as traced by extra-galactic transients

P106 - 106.2104.001

Type Ia supernovae in low-luminosity host environments

Survey policies

Document that details how we solve conflict of interests, paper authorship, etc.